Thursday, July 14, 2011

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How to disinfect chicken coop with dirt floor

Here is a picture representation How to disinfect chicken coop with dirt floor

How to clean and disinfect a chicken coop, Want to clean your chicken coop, but don't want to use bleach? me neither. here's how i keep things shiny, without the nasty fumes..
Eco chicken houses - chicken coops direct, The eco chicken house. crafted from almost 100% recycled plastic, the eco chicken house provides an affordable, easy-clean and space-efficient home.
The chicken chick®: 5 tips for a cleaner coop with less effort, Droppings boards are essentially shelves designed to collect chicken poop deposited overnight. backyard chickens spend most of their waking hours outside the coop.

How often do you clean your coop - page 3 - backyard chickens, I use wood shavings with the deep litter method over a dirt floor. being in costa rica i worried about the 100 inches of rain we get a year so when the coop was built.
Chicken tractor design - boing boing, My six plymouth barred rock chickens are about 8 weeks old. they seem happy in their coop, but i feel sorry for them when i see them futilely scratching.
11 uses for vinegar around the coop | community chickens, 3. conditioning rinse for bath time as i describe in my post chicken bath 101, giving chickens a nice bubble bath every so often is a healthy practice..

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